The Town of Groveland Water and Sewer Department provides cost-effective, reliable and high-quality water and wastewater services to its customers. We are committed to operating and maintaining our facilities economically and safely while protecting the public health and the environment.
The Groveland Water Department was founded in 1965 after the town had spent numerous years purchasing water from neighboring Haverhill. Groveland’s water supply is entirely derived from gravel packed underground wells, which are mostly located near the Merrimack River.
The Sewer Department was founded in 1977 in order to collect the town’s sewage and pump it to the Haverhill Waste Water Treatment Plant. The department operates and maintains six small lift stations and one main sewer pump station. The system is comprised of 20 miles of gravity sewers and two miles of pressure force main.
Both departments are owned by the Town of Groveland and operated as enterprise funds. Enterprise funds are used as a separate accounting practice that allows for tracking of revenue and expenses associated with a specific service provided to citizens. As a result, the Water and Sewer Department’s operational budget is exclusively funded exclusively through revenue from water and sewer rate payers rather than through tax revenues. An enterprise fund gives communities the flexibility to account separately for all financial activities associated with a broad range of municipal services. It establishes a separate accounting and financial reporting mechanism for municipal services for which a fee is charged in exchange for goods or services. For more on enterprise funds, click here.